YTL Arena Bristol will be celebrating the Brabazon Hangars’ pioneering history and future milestone events with a glazed ‘Walk of Fame’.
What was once a service culvert running under the floor through the centre of the Central Hangar will be repurposed into a unique feature to store and showcase a series of time capsules.
Each clear-cased capsule will contain specially selected items and be carefully placed in the 100-metre-long channel which will be glazed so future audiences can encounter entertainment history beneath their feet.
The first two capsules will include one to mark the Hangar’s 70 Years of Aviation History and another to celebrate the beginning of the building’s transformation, with Queen + Adam Lambert.
Photo Credit: JMP
Items include:
- 1x pair Roger Taylor signed drumsticks
- 3x signed production rehearsal passes
- 1x Rhapsody Tour lanyard
- 1x signed Adam Lambert sunglasses
- 1x signed Live Around the World CD Album
- 1x signed Vocal Zone pastille box
- 1x Queen tin containing 8 plectrums, including a sixpence used by Brian May to play
- 1x set list dated 17 May